Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blame...Place it Where it Belongs

Last night, the BISD stadium was the target of some foolish person who decided to drive on the grass by the parking lot and then somehow access the field and damage the turf.  That in itself is enough reason to be angry as my tax dollars paid for this stadium.  But what angers me more is the blatant disregard for the people who daily protect the students and buildings in BISD by placing the blame on them instead of where it should be placed - on the person who decided that this was something to do last night.

I know people are irritated with BISD...I am too.  The antics of the board members and some of the staff leave much to be desired when it comes to the school district.  But when something like this happens, stop and think before you make a fool of yourself by posting comments on facebook about things which you know nothing about.  I am here to tell you the facts, as I promised.  So here goes.

One brilliant person stated, "With all the money we spent on the building, you would think they put some security cameras in there." Well apparently she has never been to the stadium because if she had she would know that there are cameras everywhere.  She also stated, " Where were our police officers that patrol all night... every night?"  Well, the police officers make rounds...which means they drive AROUND the district throughout the night...which means that the police officers cannot be at the stadium all the time.  As a result, there is a PSO at the stadium each night who drives around the parking lot at intervals...and again...HE CANNOT BE ALL AROUND THE STADIUM ALL THE TIME.  He was there last night, but he couldn't see the license plate on the truck and he is not paid to give chase...but he did his job.  

Why am I so concerned about this?  Why talk about blame?  Just look at what is happening in Congress this week.  The Republicans are blaming the Democrats for this government shutdown when the Republicans are clearly the ones who caused this shutdown.  It is ironic that they waited until the day that the ACA went into effect to shut down the government, isn't it?  The Democrats are only abiding by the law that was put into place and affirmed by the SCOTUS last year...the Republicans are acting like babies throwing tantrums and they are letting a few dictate that that's the course of action to take.  

Blame the person responsible...don't blame the school district for the vandalism of an individual.  Blame the Republicans...don't blame the Democrats and the President.  And by all means...think before you make a stupid comment that will be read by many people. 

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