Monday, September 23, 2013

Government Shut-downs, Senate Lunatics, and Texas Politicians

Last week, the Republican controlled House of Representatives passed a bill that would keep the government running until mid-December.  The catch is, it de-funds the Affordable Care Act.  This was the brainstorm of the likes of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz (R Senator).

This was the 40th voted to try to undo the ACA, and it will be no more successful than the other 39.  For it to work, the Democratic controlled Senate would have to pass the bill in it's present state and then President Obama would have to sign the that is going to happen.  So why are these lunatic Senators wasting time trying to get a bill passed that will never be signed in to law?

Their hope is that if the bill fails, the government will shut down and then the blame can be put on the Democrats.  They must think the American public is really stupid.  Ted Cruz has no way to get the GOP out of this mess when it implodes on him - and the party brass know that.  They know it so well that they threw him under the bus when he was announced as a guest on Chris Wallace's show on faux news Sunday.

Wallace said that he received numerous emails from GOP members who gave him opposition research to nail Cruz to the wall.  He used the information very well.  I watched the can watch it HERE.  Cruz said that the Senate should pass the bill with a 60 vote majority instead of the 51 votes that are needed according to Senate Rule 22.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will never agree to change the votes needed for this.  Cruz has backed himself into a corner and has no way to get out. He still thinks he will though and he still thinks he can put the blame on the Democrats.

Of course this is the same man who believes that his ACTUAL Canadian birth should not rule him out of running for President, but that President Obama's ACTUAL Hawaiian birth should get him kicked out of office.  This is what Texas sends to Congress.  Of course, we also elected Perry governor 4 times....well I didn't. 

I need to move to a blue state.  Quickly.

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