The first time I saw Jesus Christ Superstar, I was appalled at the way that Jesus was being depicted. My religious upbringing focused on a narrow view of Jesus as someone who was out to punish us for minor offenses and had no room for any other interpretation. I have learned so much since then.
I know how that there are various ways to tell and to understand the story, and if a rock-n-roll version is what catches someone’s attention, then so be it. I have had so many good conversations on what the Bible says (and what it doesn’t) with some very intelligent people who have opened my eyes to the fact that I had been seeing a white-washed version of Jesus. You know, the version that depicts Jesus as a European man? I now even know where that likeness stems from. (Hint: google Cesare Borgia.)
I don’t know when my mindset changed. I just know it has. (Hell, even Sir Andrew Loyd Webber didn’t like the film version, so I am in good company.) I have learned to have a love for all things Broadway. When that first chord of “Superstar” played I got chills. It’s like that when I hear “Phantom,” too. When Superstar premiered, having a black lead was seen as blasphemous, yet Jesus was a man born in a middle Eastern country that more likely has brown skinned people than light skinned ones.
Funny thing...I have seen The Ten Commandments many times and I never thought twice about Anne Baxter playing Nefertiri until I watched it last night. For that fact, Charleston Heston as Moses, Liz Taylor as Cleopatra....I guess it’s just what we have done. But now with the diverse cast of Hamilton....I mean, George Washington, Aaron Burr, Thomas Jefferson were all European men and they are all being played by POC. For a while, I only thought having a diverse cast was okay only when the characters were fictional. Not any I guess the cast of Ten Commandments should get a pass, too.
Anyway, Superstar was AMAZING!! If you missed it, you missed a good one. Put aside your long-held beliefs and give it a chance if you haven’t before. Open your eyes and I know you will love it!